Science, Philosophy, and Theology: Truth and Deceptions
Unique to Frassati Academy, this class includes important concepts of Astronomy, Earth Science, and Botany and an in-depth analysis of the failure of the Cartesian-Darwinian Narrative. Using this narrative, Mr. Miller covers a scientific refutation of human evolution. The Narrative is also used to explain how the concept of “evolution” has infected all disciplines of our culture. Associated with this topic, content from two books by Romano Guardini, The End of the Modern World and Power and Responsibility, are used to detail and explain our societal collapse and the path forward. Additionally, the class will look at Modernism (the synthesis of all heresies) and its negative consequences within the Church and throughout modern culture.
Constitutional Law, Language, and Ethics: A Primer on the Art of Rhetoric as it Relates to the United States Constitution